
Cassandra KV

此示例演示如何使用 CassandraKVStore BaseStore 集成设置聊天历史记录存储。请注意,存在 CassandraChatMessageHistory 集成,它可能更易于用于聊天历史记录存储;CassandraKVStore 非常有用,如果您需要更通用的键值存储,并具有可加前缀的键。


npm install @langchain/community @langchain/core cassandra-driver

根据您的数据库提供商,连接到数据库的具体方法会有所不同。我们将创建一个文档 configConnection,它将用作存储配置的一部分。

Apache Cassandra®

存储附加索引(yieldKeys 使用)在 Apache Cassandra® 5.0 及更高版本中受支持。您可以使用标准连接文档,例如

const configConnection = {
contactPoints: ['h1', 'h2'],
localDataCenter: 'datacenter1',
credentials: {
username: <...> as string,
password: <...> as string,

Astra DB

Astra DB 是一个云原生 Cassandra 作为服务平台。

  1. 创建 Astra DB 帐户
  2. 创建一个 支持向量的数据库
  3. 为您的数据库创建一个 令牌
const configConnection = {
serviceProviderArgs: {
astra: {
token: <...> as string,
endpoint: <...> as string,

您不需要提供 endpoint:,而是可以提供属性 datacenterID: 以及可选的 regionName:


import { CassandraKVStore } from "@langchain/community/storage/cassandra";
import { AIMessage, HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";

// This document is the Cassandra driver connection document; the example is to AstraDB but
// any valid Cassandra connection can be used.
const configConnection = {
serviceProviderArgs: {
astra: {
token: "YOUR_TOKEN_OR_LOAD_FROM_ENV" as string,
endpoint: "YOUR_ENDPOINT_OR_LOAD_FROM_ENV" as string,

const store = new CassandraKVStore({
keyspace: "test", // keyspace must exist
table: "test_kv", // table will be created if it does not exist
keyDelimiter: ":", // optional, default is "/"

// Define our encoder/decoder for converting between strings and Uint8Arrays
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();

* Here you would define your LLM and chat chain, call
* the LLM and eventually get a list of messages.
* For this example, we'll assume we already have a list.
const messages = Array.from({ length: 5 }).map((_, index) => {
if (index % 2 === 0) {
return new AIMessage("ai stuff...");
return new HumanMessage("human stuff...");

// Set your messages in the store
// The key will be prefixed with `message:id:` and end
// with the index.
await store.mset(
messages.map((message, index) => [

// Now you can get your messages from the store
const retrievedMessages = await store.mget(["message:id:0", "message:id:1"]);
// Make sure to decode the values
console.log(retrievedMessages.map((v) => decoder.decode(v)));

'{"id":["langchain","AIMessage"],"kwargs":{"content":"ai stuff..."}}',
'{"id":["langchain","HumanMessage"],"kwargs":{"content":"human stuff..."}}'

// Or, if you want to get back all the keys you can call
// the `yieldKeys` method.
// Optionally, you can pass a key prefix to only get back
// keys which match that prefix.
const yieldedKeys = [];
for await (const key of store.yieldKeys("message:id:")) {

// The keys are not encoded, so no decoding is necessary

// Finally, let's delete the keys from the store
await store.mdelete(yieldedKeys);

API 参考


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