Neo4j 向量索引
Neo4j 是一个开源图形数据库,具有对向量相似性搜索的集成支持。它支持
- 近似最近邻搜索
- 欧氏距离相似性和余弦相似性
- 结合向量和关键词搜索的混合搜索
要使用 Neo4j 向量索引,您需要安装 neo4j-driver
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install neo4j-driver
yarn add neo4j-driver
pnpm add neo4j-driver
请参见 本节了解有关安装集成包的通用说明。
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install @langchain/openai @langchain/community @langchain/core
yarn add @langchain/openai @langchain/community @langchain/core
pnpm add @langchain/openai @langchain/community @langchain/core
使用 docker-compose
设置 Neo4j
提供了一个预构建的 Docker 镜像,可用于快速设置自托管的 Neo4j 数据库实例。在下面创建一个名为 docker-compose.yml
export default {services:{database:{image:'neo4j',ports:['7687:7687','7474:7474'],environment:['NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/pleaseletmein']}}};
API 参考
然后在同一目录中运行 docker compose up
您可以在他们的 网站 上找到有关如何设置 Neo4j
以下是一个使用 Neo4jVectorStore
import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "@langchain/openai";
import { Neo4jVectorStore } from "@langchain/community/vectorstores/neo4j_vector";
// Configuration object for Neo4j connection and other related settings
const config = {
url: "bolt://localhost:7687", // URL for the Neo4j instance
username: "neo4j", // Username for Neo4j authentication
password: "pleaseletmein", // Password for Neo4j authentication
indexName: "vector", // Name of the vector index
keywordIndexName: "keyword", // Name of the keyword index if using hybrid search
searchType: "vector" as const, // Type of search (e.g., vector, hybrid)
nodeLabel: "Chunk", // Label for the nodes in the graph
textNodeProperty: "text", // Property of the node containing text
embeddingNodeProperty: "embedding", // Property of the node containing embedding
const documents = [
{ pageContent: "what's this", metadata: { a: 2 } },
{ pageContent: "Cat drinks milk", metadata: { a: 1 } },
const neo4jVectorIndex = await Neo4jVectorStore.fromDocuments(
new OpenAIEmbeddings(),
const results = await neo4jVectorIndex.similaritySearch("water", 1);
[ Document { pageContent: 'Cat drinks milk', metadata: { a: 1 } } ]
await neo4jVectorIndex.close();
API 参考
- OpenAIEmbeddings 来自
- Neo4jVectorStore 来自
使用 retrievalQuery 参数自定义响应
import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "@langchain/openai";
import { Neo4jVectorStore } from "@langchain/community/vectorstores/neo4j_vector";
* The retrievalQuery is a customizable Cypher query fragment used in the Neo4jVectorStore class to define how
* search results should be retrieved and presented from the Neo4j database. It allows developers to specify
* the format and structure of the data returned after a similarity search.
* Mandatory columns for `retrievalQuery`:
* 1. text:
* - Description: Represents the textual content of the node.
* - Type: String
* 2. score:
* - Description: Represents the similarity score of the node in relation to the search query. A
* higher score indicates a closer match.
* - Type: Float (ranging between 0 and 1, where 1 is a perfect match)
* 3. metadata:
* - Description: Contains additional properties and information about the node. This can include
* any other attributes of the node that might be relevant to the application.
* - Type: Object (key-value pairs)
* - Example: { "id": "12345", "category": "Books", "author": "John Doe" }
* Note: While you can customize the `retrievalQuery` to fetch additional columns or perform
* transformations, never omit the mandatory columns. The names of these columns (`text`, `score`,
* and `metadata`) should remain consistent. Renaming them might lead to errors or unexpected behavior.
// Configuration object for Neo4j connection and other related settings
const config = {
url: "bolt://localhost:7687", // URL for the Neo4j instance
username: "neo4j", // Username for Neo4j authentication
password: "pleaseletmein", // Password for Neo4j authentication
retrievalQuery: `
RETURN node.text AS text, score, {a: node.a * 2} AS metadata
const documents = [
{ pageContent: "what's this", metadata: { a: 2 } },
{ pageContent: "Cat drinks milk", metadata: { a: 1 } },
const neo4jVectorIndex = await Neo4jVectorStore.fromDocuments(
new OpenAIEmbeddings(),
const results = await neo4jVectorIndex.similaritySearch("water", 1);
[ Document { pageContent: 'Cat drinks milk', metadata: { a: 2 } } ]
await neo4jVectorIndex.close();
API 参考
- OpenAIEmbeddings 来自
- Neo4jVectorStore 来自
从现有图形实例化 Neo4jVectorStore
import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "@langchain/openai";
import { Neo4jVectorStore } from "@langchain/community/vectorstores/neo4j_vector";
* `fromExistingGraph` Method:
* Description:
* This method initializes a `Neo4jVectorStore` instance using an existing graph in the Neo4j database.
* It's designed to work with nodes that already have textual properties but might not have embeddings.
* The method will compute and store embeddings for nodes that lack them.
* Note:
* This method is particularly useful when you have a pre-existing graph with textual data and you want
* to enhance it with vector embeddings for similarity searches without altering the original data structure.
// Configuration object for Neo4j connection and other related settings
const config = {
url: "bolt://localhost:7687", // URL for the Neo4j instance
username: "neo4j", // Username for Neo4j authentication
password: "pleaseletmein", // Password for Neo4j authentication
indexName: "wikipedia",
nodeLabel: "Wikipedia",
textNodeProperties: ["title", "description"],
embeddingNodeProperty: "embedding",
searchType: "hybrid" as const,
// You should have a populated Neo4j database to use this method
const neo4jVectorIndex = await Neo4jVectorStore.fromExistingGraph(
new OpenAIEmbeddings(),
await neo4jVectorIndex.close();
API 参考
- OpenAIEmbeddings 来自
- Neo4jVectorStore 来自
import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "@langchain/openai";
import { Neo4jVectorStore } from "@langchain/community/vectorstores/neo4j_vector";
* `similaritySearch` Method with Metadata Filtering:
* Description:
* This method facilitates advanced similarity searches within a Neo4j vector index, leveraging both text embeddings and metadata attributes.
* The third parameter, `filter`, allows for the specification of metadata-based conditions that pre-filter the nodes before performing the similarity search.
* This approach enhances the search precision by allowing users to query based on complex metadata criteria alongside textual similarity.
* Metadata filtering also support the following operators:
* $eq: Equal
* $ne: Not Equal
* $lt: Less than
* $lte: Less than or equal
* $gt: Greater than
* $gte: Greater than or equal
* $in: In a list of values
* $nin: Not in a list of values
* $between: Between two values
* $like: Text contains value
* $ilike: lowered text contains value
* The filter supports a range of query operations such as equality checks, range queries, and compound conditions (using logical operators like $and, $or).
* This makes it highly adaptable to varied use cases requiring detailed and specific retrieval of documents based on both content and contextual information.
* Note:
* Effective use of this method requires a well-structured Neo4j database where nodes are enriched with both text and metadata properties.
* The method is particularly useful in scenarios where the integration of text analysis with detailed metadata querying is crucial, such as in content recommendation systems, detailed archival searches, or any application where contextual relevance is key.
// Configuration object for Neo4j connection and other related settings
const config = {
url: "bolt://localhost:7687", // URL for the Neo4j instance
username: "neo4j", // Username for Neo4j authentication
password: "pleaseletmein", // Password for Neo4j authentication
indexName: "vector", // Name of the vector index
keywordIndexName: "keyword", // Name of the keyword index if using hybrid search
searchType: "vector" as const, // Type of search (e.g., vector, hybrid)
nodeLabel: "Chunk", // Label for the nodes in the graph
textNodeProperty: "text", // Property of the node containing text
embeddingNodeProperty: "embedding", // Property of the node containing embedding
const documents = [
{ pageContent: "what's this", metadata: { a: 2 } },
{ pageContent: "Cat drinks milk", metadata: { a: 1 } },
const neo4jVectorIndex = await Neo4jVectorStore.fromDocuments(
new OpenAIEmbeddings(),
const filter = { a: { $eq: 1 } };
const results = await neo4jVectorIndex.similaritySearch("water", 1, { filter });
[ Document { pageContent: 'Cat drinks milk', metadata: { a: 1 } } ]
await neo4jVectorIndex.close();
API 参考
- OpenAIEmbeddings 来自
- Neo4jVectorStore 来自
免责声明 ⚠️
安全注意事项:确保数据库连接使用范围有限的凭据,这些凭据仅包含必要的权限。否则,可能会导致数据损坏或丢失,因为调用代码可能会尝试执行导致删除、数据变异(如果得到适当的提示)或读取敏感数据的命令(如果此类数据存在于数据库中)。防止此类负面结果的最佳方法是(酌情)限制授予与该工具一起使用的凭据的权限。例如,为数据库创建只读用户是确保调用代码无法变异或删除数据的良好方法。有关更多信息,请参见 安全页面。