
Cohere Rerank

重新排序文档可以极大地改善任何 RAG 应用程序和文档检索系统。

从高级角度来看,重新排序 API 是一个语言模型,它分析文档并根据其与给定查询的相关性重新排序它们。

Cohere 提供了一个用于重新排序文档的 API。在本例中,我们将向您展示如何使用它。


npm install @langchain/cohere @langchain/core
import { CohereRerank } from "@langchain/cohere";
import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents";

const query = "What is the capital of the United States?";
const docs = [
new Document({
"Carson City is the capital city of the American state of Nevada. At the 2010 United States Census, Carson City had a population of 55,274.",
new Document({
"The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean that are a political division controlled by the United States. Its capital is Saipan.",
new Document({
"Charlotte Amalie is the capital and largest city of the United States Virgin Islands. It has about 20,000 people. The city is on the island of Saint Thomas.",
new Document({
"Washington, D.C. (also known as simply Washington or D.C., and officially as the District of Columbia) is the capital of the United States. It is a federal district. The President of the USA and many major national government offices are in the territory. This makes it the political center of the United States of America.",
new Document({
"Capital punishment (the death penalty) has existed in the United States since before the United States was a country. As of 2017, capital punishment is legal in 30 of the 50 states. The federal government (including the United States military) also uses capital punishment.",

const cohereRerank = new CohereRerank({
apiKey: process.env.COHERE_API_KEY, // Default
model: "rerank-english-v2.0",

const rerankedDocuments = await cohereRerank.rerank(docs, query, {
topN: 5,

{ index: 3, relevanceScore: 0.9871293 },
{ index: 1, relevanceScore: 0.29961726 },
{ index: 4, relevanceScore: 0.27542195 },
{ index: 0, relevanceScore: 0.08977329 },
{ index: 2, relevanceScore: 0.041462272 }

API 参考

在这里,我们可以看到 .rerank() 方法只返回文档的索引(与输入文档的索引匹配)及其相关性分数。

如果我们希望从方法本身返回文档,我们可以使用 .compressDocuments() 方法。

import { CohereRerank } from "@langchain/cohere";
import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents";

const query = "What is the capital of the United States?";
const docs = [
new Document({
"Carson City is the capital city of the American state of Nevada. At the 2010 United States Census, Carson City had a population of 55,274.",
new Document({
"The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean that are a political division controlled by the United States. Its capital is Saipan.",
new Document({
"Charlotte Amalie is the capital and largest city of the United States Virgin Islands. It has about 20,000 people. The city is on the island of Saint Thomas.",
new Document({
"Washington, D.C. (also known as simply Washington or D.C., and officially as the District of Columbia) is the capital of the United States. It is a federal district. The President of the USA and many major national government offices are in the territory. This makes it the political center of the United States of America.",
new Document({
"Capital punishment (the death penalty) has existed in the United States since before the United States was a country. As of 2017, capital punishment is legal in 30 of the 50 states. The federal government (including the United States military) also uses capital punishment.",

const cohereRerank = new CohereRerank({
apiKey: process.env.COHERE_API_KEY, // Default
topN: 3, // Default
model: "rerank-english-v2.0",

const rerankedDocuments = await cohereRerank.compressDocuments(docs, query);

Document {
pageContent: 'Washington, D.C. (also known as simply Washington or D.C., and officially as the District of Columbia) is the capital of the United States. It is a federal district. The President of the USA and many major national government offices are in the territory. This makes it the political center of the United States of America.',
metadata: { relevanceScore: 0.9871293 }
Document {
pageContent: 'The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean that are a political division controlled by the United States. Its capital is Saipan.',
metadata: { relevanceScore: 0.29961726 }
Document {
pageContent: 'Capital punishment (the death penalty) has existed in the United States since before the United States was a country. As of 2017, capital punishment is legal in 30 of the 50 states. The federal government (including the United States military) also uses capital punishment.',
metadata: { relevanceScore: 0.27542195 }

API 参考

从结果中,我们可以看到它返回了前 3 个文档,并为每个文档分配了一个 relevanceScore

正如预期的那样,具有最高 relevanceScore 的文档是引用华盛顿特区的文档,分数为 98.7%


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