
Google PaLM(旧版)


Google PaLM API 已弃用,将在 0.3.0 中删除。请改用Google GenAIVertexAI 集成。


此集成不支持 gemini-* 模型。请检查Google GenAIVertexAI

可以通过首先安装所需的软件包来集成Google PaLM API

npm install google-auth-library @google-ai/generativelanguage @langchain/community

Google MakerSuite 创建一个API 密钥。然后,您可以将密钥设置为 GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY 环境变量,或者在实例化模型时将其作为 apiKey 参数传递。

import { GooglePaLM } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlepalm";

export const run = async () => {
const model = new GooglePaLM({
apiKey: "<YOUR API KEY>", // or set it in environment variable as `GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY`
// other params
temperature: 1, // OPTIONAL
model: "models/text-bison-001", // OPTIONAL
maxOutputTokens: 1024, // OPTIONAL
topK: 40, // OPTIONAL
topP: 3, // OPTIONAL
safetySettings: [
stopSequences: ["stop"], // OPTIONAL
const res = await model.invoke(
"What would be a good company name for a company that makes colorful socks?"
console.log({ res });

API 参考

  • GooglePaLM 来自 @langchain/community/llms/googlepalm


Langchain.js 支持两种不同的身份验证方法,具体取决于您是在 Node.js 环境中运行还是在 Web 环境中运行。



要在 Node 中调用 Vertex AI 模型,您需要安装Google 的官方身份验证客户端 作为对等依赖项。

您应确保 Vertex AI API 已为相关项目启用,并且您已使用以下方法之一对 Google Cloud 进行了身份验证

  • 您已登录到允许使用该项目的帐户(使用 gcloud auth application-default login)。
  • 您正在使用允许使用该项目的 service account 的机器上运行。
  • 您已下载允许使用该项目的 service account 的凭据,并将 GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS 环境变量设置为该文件的路径。
npm install google-auth-library


要在 Web 环境(如 Edge 函数)中调用 Vertex AI 模型,您需要安装web-auth-library 软件包作为对等依赖项

npm install web-auth-library

然后,您需要将您的 service account 凭据直接作为 GOOGLE_VERTEX_AI_WEB_CREDENTIALS 环境变量添加



npm install @langchain/community
import { GoogleVertexAI } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlevertexai";

const model = new GoogleVertexAI({
authOptions: {
credentials: {"type":"service_account","project_id":"YOUR_PROJECT-12345",...},


有几种模型可用,可以通过构造函数中的 model 属性指定。这些包括

  • text-bison(默认)
  • text-bison-32k
  • code-gecko
  • code-bison
import { GoogleVertexAI } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlevertexai";
// Or, if using the web entrypoint:
// import { GoogleVertexAI } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlevertexai/web";

* Before running this, you should make sure you have created a
* Google Cloud Project that is permitted to the Vertex AI API.
* You will also need permission to access this project / API.
* Typically, this is done in one of three ways:
* - You are logged into an account permitted to that project.
* - You are running this on a machine using a service account permitted to
* the project.
* - The `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable is set to the
* path of a credentials file for a service account permitted to the project.
const model = new GoogleVertexAI({
temperature: 0.7,
const res = await model.invoke(
"What would be a good company name for a company that makes colorful socks?"
console.log({ res });

API 参考

Google 还为其“Codey”代码生成模型提供了单独的模型。

“code-gecko” 模型对于代码补全很有用

import { GoogleVertexAI } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlevertexai";

* Before running this, you should make sure you have created a
* Google Cloud Project that is permitted to the Vertex AI API.
* You will also need permission to access this project / API.
* Typically, this is done in one of three ways:
* - You are logged into an account permitted to that project.
* - You are running this on a machine using a service account permitted to
* the project.
* - The `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable is set to the
* path of a credentials file for a service account permitted to the project.

const model = new GoogleVertexAI({
model: "code-gecko",
const res = await model.invoke("for (let co=0;");
console.log({ res });

API 参考

而“code-bison” 模型在基于文本提示进行更大代码生成方面更出色

import { GoogleVertexAI } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlevertexai";

* Before running this, you should make sure you have created a
* Google Cloud Project that is permitted to the Vertex AI API.
* You will also need permission to access this project / API.
* Typically, this is done in one of three ways:
* - You are logged into an account permitted to that project.
* - You are running this on a machine using a service account permitted to
* the project.
* - The `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable is set to the
* path of a credentials file for a service account permitted to the project.

const model = new GoogleVertexAI({
model: "code-bison",
maxOutputTokens: 2048,
const res = await model.invoke(
"A Javascript function that counts from 1 to 10."
console.log({ res });

API 参考



import { GoogleVertexAI } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlevertexai";

const model = new GoogleVertexAI({
temperature: 0.7,
const stream = await model.stream(
"What would be a good company name for a company that makes colorful socks?"

for await (const chunk of stream) {
console.log("\n---------\nChunk:\n---------\n", chunk);

1. Toe-tally Awesome Socks
2. The Sock Drawer
3. Happy Feet

Sock It to Me
5. Crazy Color Socks
6. Wild and Wacky Socks
7. Fu

nky Feet
8. Mismatched Socks
9. Rainbow Socks
10. Sole Mates



API 参考


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